🎀🎉Today is a Very Special Day for LAKSHANAM🎉🎀 We are Launching our Website on this Auspicious Day seeking blessings of our ancestors. Today, When I looked at the Sunrise, It made more sense to me to understand the beautiful difficult process I had to go through 100+ days before. May 30th 2023, an unforgettable day. Because the moment I came back home from my office, all I had in my heart and mind was I had to contribute much more to my Boss and for his Vision and the only overwhelming emotion I had was The warmth for my Boss, the Team and the Company. A small Insult to the Ownership pride of my responsibilities for the position from the most unexpected Superior extremely demotivated me and I had to fight to convey the same and that was the turning point to end my Employment Mode Journey. No Doubt, If I would have received even an understanding command from my Boss realizing my pain from my shoe's , I would have d efinitely continued to work for the people and the vision I love...